92830 Welch Allyn PocketScope Set with 1 Handle in Hard Case
This PocketScope Diagnostic Set contains a pocket ophthalmoscope head, pocket otoscope head, 1x AA battery Handle and is supplied in a Hard Case.
PocketScope Otoscope
Halogen light for true tissue colour and consistent long lasting illumination
Simply detach head to use the throat illuminator / all-purpose penlight
Fibre optic light with no reflections or obstructions
Wide angle viewing lens allows for instrumentation under magnification
Sealed system suitable for pneumatic otoscopy
PocketScope Ophthalmoscope
12 aperture/filter combinations for greater versatility: micro, small, and large spot sizes, cobalt blue filter for corneal exams, fixation target, and slit aperture (all on a 6-position aperture dial). Plus: red-free filter and unfiltered halogen on a 2-position filter switch–each position can be engaged with each of the 6 positions of the aperture dial.
48 focusing lenses for better resolution
Red-free filter may be used with any aperture.